Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013- something new

Yesterday was Charlie's first Valentine's day and Addy's first that she was big enough to understand. I was intentional about how we treated Valentine's day this year. After watching my high school girls I taught for years and seeing how sad they are to be single on one silly day, I hope to show Addy that it is a day to appreciate anyone you love and to bless others with your love.

This year we made homemade cards for family and elderly friends from church, baked cookies for our neighbors and the kids' Bible class teachers and took cards to Addy's teachers at the YMCA. She and Charlie got cards and gifts from their grandparents but not from us.

I showed Addy how much I love her by taking her to the children's museum with friends, going on a picnic and going for a walk and playing babies instead of letting her watch tv. Nick took Addy to the Y to hand out cards to her teachers and play.  I love my kids and I want to prepare their hearts to give love and love themselves, not simply wait for a date to make them feel cared for.

Nick and I are looking forward to celebrating time together at a wedding in Dallas alone next weekend while the kids sleep over at Grammie and Grandad's.

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